- Download the QUENTRO app.
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We will scan the QR code in the app upon entry. Make sure your cell phone is charged when you arrive at the event location.
To enter the application, use a valid email, preferably the same one used to purchase your tickets with us, also using the same details as the ticket buyer.
Avoid identification problems! Check your account and ticket details before entry to ensure everything runs smoothly.
Don't wait to buy your tickets last minute so that everything is already organized when you enter.
Now you have a quicker entrance to the event.
Find you tickets in one place
Enjoy carnival with comfort and safety. Only your Quentro account has access to your tickets.
Yes, it's important to take a photo identification and to present when needed.
Download the Quentro App, Click here for Apple Store or Click here for Google Play.
When you arrive at the event, open the app and then the digital QRCode will be read using the electronic turnstile at the access gates.
No, because it changes from time to time. An expired QR Code will not be valid at the turnstile. Only QR Codes generated in the application will be valid.
Each digital ticket will only allow one access to the event facilities.
After the first access, new attempts with the same digital ticket will not be authorized.
In this case, you will need to have installed the app on your cell phone in advance using a Wi-Fi network. Once the application is installed, at the sambadrome entrance we will have Wi-Fi points for connection.
No, because it changes from time to time. When the guest arrives at the turnstile, the QR Code will be invalid. The best way to invite someone is to use ticket transfer (between Quentro App).
Não, pois ele muda de tempo em tempo. Quando o convidado chegar na catraca o QR Code estará inválido. A melhor forma de convidar uma pessoa é utilizando a transferência de ingressos.
Entry to the application is via email code, this way, simply download the QUENTRO app on someone else's cell phone and access it with the email code. In addition to having a team at all access gates to manage these cases, they will be dealt with promptly.
This can happen, but not necessarily, as a single person with the app installed can have the 4 virtual tickets in their app. When accessing, simply read one QR Code at a time for each person.
Yes! If you are accompanied by another person who does not have a smartphone, you can download your companion's digital tickets onto your smartphone. However, you will need to access the festival at the same time, through the same turnstile.
If you purchased directly from ticketmaster, we suggest contacting them. If you purchased directly from us, contact our support via whatsapp: 21 2025 - 5000 or email: atendimento@ticketrio.com.br
If you purchased directly from ticketmaster, we suggest contacting them. If you purchased directly from us, contact our support via whatsapp: 21 2025 - 5000 or email: atendimento@ticketrio.com.br
Yes, only between Quentros accounts in the apps.