Samba schools set dates for parades in Sapucaí
The Independent League of Samba Schools of Rio de Janeiro (Liesa) hit the hammer
After defining that Carnival 2021 will be in July, the Independent League of Samba Schools in Rio de Janeiro (Liesa) beat the maternal and closed the calendar of the parades, according to column sources.
The Access Group schools will parade at Marquês de Sapucaí on July 9 and 10. The Special Group, on July 11 and 12. The qualification that will reveal the champion is scheduled for July 14th.
The traditional parade of Champions will take place on July 17th.
As already reported by the column, during a Liesa meeting, it was defined that the party will depend on the coronavirus vaccine and that it will follow all the safety measures suggested by the World Health Organization. The format will be just as it would happen in February: new scenarios, great allegories and the traditional dispute to see who is demoted and who is declared champion.